
Sparkbook is a database driven system I’ve built for school which populates students directly from our MIS (Serco Facility) and allows teachers to quickly mark them against different criteria. The system is designed to be customisable, so teachers can add their criteria. There is a tiered marking system built in – teachers can choose from 5Continue reading “Sparkbook”

FIXED: Read-only error on your phone’s SD card

Argh! Pants!  Nooooooo!  I’ve knacked my phone!?!?!?! Just some of the many thoughts that went through my head on Friday when in the middle of a workshop, I went to show someone a picture I’d taken on my phone.   Suddenly the gallery crashed and an alert popped up saying “SD Card Readonly” or something equallyContinue reading “FIXED: Read-only error on your phone’s SD card”

Quick Tip: Creating an icon for mobile shortcuts

One of the cute things about most mobile sites these days, is that when you make an shortcut and set it to your phone’s desktop* a personalised favicon type image is used, instead of just a boring standard bookmark. These are cute and very easy to do.  Simply paste the following code into the <head></head> sectionContinue reading “Quick Tip: Creating an icon for mobile shortcuts”

Quick tip: Make your web page mobile

Recently, I showed off some of our VLE pimping at Frog’s National Learning Platforms conference in Birmingham, things like our Rewards system and My Classes – a whole section where a teacher can create seating plans, interact with the students via blogs, run a Random Name Selector etc…   I also showed everyone the mobile version of theContinue reading “Quick tip: Make your web page mobile”

Battle of the handhelds – iPod Touch 4 vs Archos 43

We’re investigating handheld tablets at the moment.   I know, all tablets are handheld, these are small ones. The advantages of handhelds are fairly obvious.  They’re cheaper than computers, their batteries last at least all day, they are always on.  And I think most importantly, unlike Netbooks, tablets don’t suffer from “mission creep”.   Netbooks look likeContinue reading “Battle of the handhelds – iPod Touch 4 vs Archos 43”

My First App!

A few months ago I posted about the new App Inventor from Google which has a pretty impressive App maker for Android phones. Unfortunately, I found it all a little awkward to use.  Animations for example seemed impossible.   Google own Android SDK also proved a steep learning curve.  And you need a Mac to useContinue reading “My First App!”


It’s Sunday morning and I’m sitting here with an iPad.  It’s not mine, Cramlington decided we should get one as let’s face it, the buzz surrounding them could mean they become the next big thing in education.Getting a chance to play with it this weekend has been “interesting”.   I’m not sure where it fits intoContinue reading “iPad”

Google App Inventor

I’ve just come across this very intriguing site from Google.  Called the App Inventor, it is going to allow non-programmers to build Apps for Google Android devices. This is going to make the mobile market very, very interesting.  Right now, Apple leads the charge on App numbers for their iPhone and iPad.  They’ve also resisted attemptsContinue reading “Google App Inventor”